The central image of this charger represents Mount Parnassus, the mythological home of the Muses and a sacred place for Apollo and the Corycian nymphs. There they celebrated with poetry, music and learning and it is where Apollo gifted a lyre to Orpheus and taught him to play. Apollo, seen at upper center holding a lyre, is here surrounded by famous poets and musicians in an image derived from Raphael’s Parnassus fresco. That fresco was commissioned for a private room in the Vatican showing areas of human knowledge, The Stanza della Segnatura, also known for Raphael’s fresco the School of Athens. This room would not have been available to the general public at that time and the enamel painter of the present work likely based it on Marcantionio Raimondi’s engraving after Raphael, which was in wider circulation (see Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, acc. 17.37.150).