PROPERTY OF A LADYWith features of an eagle and a bear carved on the vases, it is recongized as the Hero Vase in Chinese, as the Chinese character for eagle i.e. "ying" and that for bear i.e. "xiong" together form the pronunciation of the word for "hero" in Chinese i.e. "yingxiong". This kind of double vases was popular from the late Ming dynasty to the mid-Qing dynasty in Imperial China, especially reputed for their presence at royal weddings. With two vases linked as one, it symbolizes an unbreakable bond between husband and wife. On the vases, auspicious symbols of the Chinese culture, e.g. cicada patterns and stylized clouds are also carved to express good wishes and a rhythmic form of beauty.透雕巧立鷹與熊,兩尾相連為體,取音於鷹、熊,也稱為「英雄瓶」。瓶上刻有祥雲和禪紋,既有吉祥美意,也表達一種韻律美。此瓶器盛行于明朝晚期至清朝中期,流行於皇室婚嫁,因其成雙成對的吉祥意涵,又稱為合巹杯。透過現代美學的詮釋重新演繹末代貴族的文化。