The male figure has been a predominant feature throughout Rameshwar Broota's oeuvre. Beginning with stark renditions of the struggling underclasses and continuing to the 'Ape' series depicting anthropomorphized creatures in serio-comical settings illustrating human folly and corruption, Broota in the 1980s embarked on his 'Man' series that combines aspects of these themes whereby his primordial figures engage in an almost Darwinian struggle for survival. The athletic and virile figure depicted here is both monumental and mythical - a sentiment further reinforced by the stair-like formations in the background.
The technique of scratching the paint to reveal the figures from underneath used in this painting is unique to Broota. He builds up the canvas very sensuously with several layers of thin, transparent paint and then scratches into the surface to reveal the image. As exhibited in this painting, Broota's magical handling of myriad textures and chromatic nuances creates a brilliant and most fascinating visual experience.
The technique of scratching the paint to reveal the figures from underneath used in this painting is unique to Broota. He builds up the canvas very sensuously with several layers of thin, transparent paint and then scratches into the surface to reveal the image. As exhibited in this painting, Broota's magical handling of myriad textures and chromatic nuances creates a brilliant and most fascinating visual experience.