SKYGOLPE (B. 1986)
smart contract address: 0xD4EAC796b368e70c95eCAE2AD64054976da8A165
token ID: 14
wallet address: 0x9aa79E8afa349DEC0b973203232089A5855bEdba
acrylic mixed media on printed canvas
canvas: 100 x 70 cm. (39 3/8 x 27 1/2 in.)
Executed in 2023 and minted on 27 January 2024. This non-fungible token is unique and is accompanied by the corresponding physical work.
smart contract address: 0xD4EAC796b368e70c95eCAE2AD64054976da8A165
token ID: 14
wallet address: 0x9aa79E8afa349DEC0b973203232089A5855bEdba
acrylic mixed media on printed canvas
canvas: 100 x 70 cm. (39 3/8 x 27 1/2 in.)
Executed in 2023 and minted on 27 January 2024. This non-fungible token is unique and is accompanied by the corresponding physical work.
The artist
Brought to you by

Emmanuelle Chan
Associate Vice President, Specialist, Head of Day and Online Sales